无人驾驶飞机系统(UAS)从一个技术奇迹迅速发展成为广泛应用于许多行业的工具,这是非常引人注目的. Also called unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) or drones, 您会发现它们在各种环境中提供空中视角, including:

  • Architecture
  • Construction
  • Agriculture
  • Military
  • Environmental conservation
  • Media and entertainment

Whether they produce still photos, live video feeds, or both in these roles, 他们对项目成功和正在进行的计划的贡献可以成为真正的游戏规则改变者. Even so, there is some irony in the fact that unmanned aircraft systems, which are incredibly nimble and can fly just about anywhere, still often have to travel by truck, ship or other mode of transport to get to where they will be used.

无人机包含敏感技术,对于最先进的军用无人机来说,其价格可能从数百美元到数千美元到数百万美元不等. Consequently, 重要的是要小心处理,并由擅长专业包装的公司处理, crating and shipping, 并且被公司和组织信任来运输这些有价值的资产.

6 Key Considerations for Shipping Unmanned Aircraft Systems

如果你的任务是把公司的无人机从一个地方运到另一个地方, keep the key considerations below in mind.

  1. Handle a UAV’s power sources properly. Unmanned aerial vehicles are typically battery powered, 一些更先进的无人机使用氢燃料电池来增强动力,使它们能够在空中停留更长时间. Whatever type(s) of power your vehicle uses, 这是至关重要的,你处理燃料来源小心和适当, 因为它们可能符合许多承运人使用的“危险物质”的定义. That often means removing them from the UAV, packing them properly, transporting them separately, and completing appropriate hazmat documentation.
  2. 了解您的无人机系统的特定敏感性. 每种类型和大小的无人机都有自己独特的仪器和其他功能. 了解无人机在哪里以及如何容易受到损害,可以解决这些漏洞,并确保这些区域特别免受损害.
  3. Use the right shipping container. 您在咨询您的专业全球赌博十大网站公司时选择的集装箱类型将取决于多种因素, including the size, shape and weight of the drone, its destination and the route to it, etc. For example, tri-wall corrugated containers may provide sufficient protection for smaller vehicles. 另一方面,更大的无人机可能需要定制设计 wood crate. And if you ship drones regularly, 一个可重复使用的带有铰链和装载斜坡的木箱可能是正确的选择. 关键是要仔细考虑您的无人机将在运输过程中面临的危害,并与您的包装策略解决这些问题. In any event, 重要的是要有一个足够大的容器来容纳车辆, 但足够小,设备可以很容易地缓冲和支撑. 此外,将运往其他国家的木箱必须有 ISPM 15 “bug stamp”-木材经过特殊处理的标志,以确保木材不含可能导致目的地虫害的害虫.
  4. Use the right packaging materials. 你不仅需要保护你的无人机在运输过程中免受冲击和振动, 您还可能需要屏蔽某些部件,使其免受静电和/或空气中水分引起的腐蚀, particularly on ocean voyages. 有专门为这些目的设计的袋子和屏障.
  5. Learn about applicable regulations. 在某些情况下,可能会有涉及无人机运输的规章制度. Here again, hazmat requirements may come into play, depending on the type of fuel(s) the vehicle uses. A specialty crating and shipping company like Craters & Freighters can provide some insight on those requirements, 但你也应该做自己的研究,以确保你在法律范围内.
  6. Insure your unmanned aircraft system. At Craters & Freighters, we can typically provide cargo insurance to cover your UAS. Or, you may choose to insure it yourself. Either way, it is important to have coverage. 虽然采取了一切预防措施,以确保您的车辆安全到达目的地, there are always variables that are outside of anyone’s control. 如果发生意外,你要确保你的损失得到补偿.

uas crating and shipping

Choosing the Right Shipping Services for Your UAS

协调无人驾驶飞机系统运输的另一个步骤是决定正确的运输服务. For example, Craters & 货运公司提供多种运输方式、运输速度等. This includes:

  • Expedited shipping like next-day service
  • Ground (including flatbed)
  • Ocean
  • Air
  • Pickup and delivery
  • Domestic shipping
  • International export shipping
  • Hazmat handling service
  • Rigging
  • Project cargo assistance

对无人驾驶飞机系统的成功运输同样至关重要的是全球赌博十大网站物流. The specialty packaging, 您选择的包装和运输公司应该在这方面有广泛的专业知识. 能够在任何时候确定你的无人机的下落是至关重要的.

但更重要的是,像我们在全球赌博十大网站的全球赌博十大网站物流专家 & 货运公司拥有丰富的经验和全球联系网络,能够确保您的货物安全准时到达. 问题可能出现在无人机从起点到目的地的任何一点. 一个熟练的全球赌博十大网站协调员可以帮助您避免陷阱和导航任何障碍您的UAS一路上遇到. That type of assistance can be invaluable, and can make a stressful process streamlined and hassle-free.

Your First Step in a UAS Handoff

There are many benefits to letting Craters & 货运公司处理您的无人机运输,从节省您可以用于其他任务的时间到利用我们的专业知识来帮助确保及时交货. Still, 有些组织不愿意委派这个过程是可以理解的, 即使他们把它交给一家在运输敏感和有价值的技术方面有着强大背景的公司.

克服这种不情愿的最好方法是与我们联系,并就您的需求以及我们如何满足您的需求进行对话. 客户告诉我们,在与他们的讨论中,我们对运输无人机和其他高科技资产的挑战有了深入的了解, and put all the stakeholders at ease.

如果您对我们的服务和技术运输方面的经验有疑问, or UAS shipping in particular, please contact the Craters & Freighters location near you at your convenience.

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